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Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Big Day...

Well the hospital called me and the big day for my radioactive treatment is next Tuesday and Wednesday. I am very nervous and just wanting this to be over soon. So I may not be blogging on those days but we will see. My family is nervous too because I have been in such poor health. The doctor told my husband that this disease is affecting my brain I think thats what my mood swings and forgetfullness are all about. Noise hurts my brain and sometimes I have to scream to get everybody to be quiet so i can rest my head. I feel crazy sometimes but Doctor assures me this is normal. It will take 1-3 months to start feeling the affects of the treatment and 3-6 months to start feeling better. I know I have complained so much about paying 800.00 a month out of my hubbys checks for health insurance but I am thankful to have it and realize even though we are strapped i would never want to be without it. That is a big motivator for living in a cabin on some land... to be self reliant meaning no bills hardly and life will be easier because We will live much better on 2,300 a month take home pay. Yes I went there that is our take home pay but our bills are killing us especially when your adult children live at home and you support them because they have lost their job. I have had the mobile phones shut off so goodbye 253.00 a month, yes it is killing their social life but we have internet and facebook to talk to their friends or make plans. I had cable shut off goodbye to that 125.00 a month, we pay for Hulu plus and Netflix and I was shocked to learn that we can live without it :) oddly enough all the tv shows are up to date on Hulu... I actually have 500.00 saved now in just 2 weeks because we don't have these bills now and that makes me happy. So I am praying that the land that will work for us to put all those structures on will not sale until I have $3,000 for closing cost. It is 36 acres of agricultural land Not that we wanted that but the County is telling me we can have a permenate structure and up to 4-5 little dwellings for ...Quote.. Ranch hands.. Unquote.. (my kids lol). We have no other use for this property my dream would be simple 5 acres for $5,000 but the county prefers to be difficult. The reason this will work for us is because its only $18,000 and the owner will carry with those closing cost. I hope nobody thought we were rich and we could just go out and buy everything in a month.... this blog is a journey let me tell ya. Be prepared to go through it with us and by it I mean hell sometimes :). You will see that this blog is real life about real life things I don't blog for a job or to make money even though that would be great, however this is just my trials i am broadcasting to the world lol. I hope i didn't bore you too much. I wish you all a beautiful day and remember to smile at somebody today it will bring you joy and greatly bless the person you smile at. Love you all God Bless.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Well I am still waiting for my winner to contact me. I am not sure how long to wait before redrawing another winner so I am hoping by Friday I will get a message. If I do not get contacted by the winner I will draw a new name on Monday. Thanks and have a beautiful day.... God Bless

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Hi Julie.... You are the winner of my giveaway but I have not heard from you... Please contact me I would like to send you something special... If the email is not working on here and you are trying to contact me you can reach me at that goes for all of you that want to reach me :)

Please Get Proactive...

Learn more about his story in “The Bully Effect” on Feb. 28 at 10 p.m. ET: 

This video brought back so many memories and the flood gates opened up wide for me. When I started junior high 7th grade I was a target from the start. Everyday i had to worry what would be coming for me next a slap,push,kick or shove... I was even tortured in front of the school office backed against the wall. It was 5 girls... the preppys you know the ones that lead the life of privilege.. yeah you know who I mean. I was failing all through junior high my grades were f's and d's. I feared for myself everyday and I only had 2 friends but they never came to my rescue. Every year 8th and 9th it just kept going. I was raised by my grandparents and so you can imagine I didn't have the best clothing I mean don't get me wrong I had new clothes but of the polyester persuasion... My shoes were velcro tracks from Kmart. I was an odd person in some peoples eyes I was not allowed to spend the night at peoples houses not that I was ever invited. My only outlet was roller skating at Rainbow Roller Rink in Grand Junction Colorado. My grandparents took me skating every Saturday for a double session 4 glorious hours of nonstop music and fun, sometimes I got to go on Friday nights or Sunday afternoon. Skating was the only place these mean girls didn't go. I attended dances but not many. Before I knew it junior high became a past nightmare and I was on to my sophomore year of high school. My grandfather took me school shopping this time and he allowed me to get some instyle clothing but nothing that could expose my middle... lol I was very modest. So I felt great starting high school I thought it would be a new experience and at first it was. One day I was bent down trying to get something out of my locker between classes and before I knew it I was kicked and shoved into my locker and when I stood up and turned around to my suprise there were two girls I didn't even know pushing me again inside my locker... Thus the high school nightmare begins. I was scared and alone and they were juniors... Math sucked because they were in my class and then they even had a guy join in the fun. This new set of girls got my phone number out of the phonebook and started screwing with me even at home. They had the guy call and pretend he was interested in me and the next day after talking to him I got screwed with harder. One day after school I was crossing the parking lot and I nearly was ran over by a huge black truck and guess who was driving?!!! the head leader of my new bullies. I went home and told my grandma who told my grandpa and the next day my grandparents called the school and threatened a lawyer and lawsuit. Even though the torture slowed down it didn't stop. I ended up leaving high school 3 months into my 10th grade year. I know how this feels and I know the desperation of wanting to disappear. You will find this a bit amusing my junior high ring leader bully is on my facebook page I sent her an invite and she accepted but has never talked to me, she is a proclaimed Christian now... I don't honestly know if she remembers the torture she put me through and the torment it caused me... She probably don't know it has followed me my whole life and i allow myself to bullied on jobs and other areas of my life because I never could stand up for myself out of fear. I have rejection issues because of it. Now when I see kids fighting or looking like they are pushing somebody around i will stop my truck and get out so I can scream at the bully and tell them to leave the other kid the hell alone before I step in. I have thought about private messaging this girl on my facebook and telling her how her behavior affected and still affects my life today but something tells me she would care less or delete me... I guess in my heart I would love to meet her for lunch and have her say sorry to me for all the heartache and nightmares of killing myself she caused me..... but would it really do any good now?. I have watched my own children be bullied But the difference is I got right on top of the principals desk and demanded and threatened to get it to stop. My son was always a runt very intellegent and tested he is actually gifted so he was always a target he has been depants in class his lunch spit on kicked and slammed into fences and so on even beat up on the school bus by girls. Like I said he WAS a runt he is NOW 6'4" my how things change lol. I raised my son well he don't like to fight he always told me from a young age words are power not fist. So that is my rant I would ask all of you to get proactive this bullying crap is a shame and leads to the ruins of lives. Hope you all have a beautiful day and remember to just smile at somebody it makes the difference. God Bless love you all..........

Monday, February 25, 2013

The county and my issues..

I have been on the phone with Park county this morning.. grrrr!!  They are telling me my land needs to have an agricultural zoning in order to put up so many cabins. I love how they can make so many stipulations on a land owner. It is really about money and who wants to line their pockets... I have to keep looking for land now and i can't buy the parcel i waned which means I will have to purchase more than 30 acres probably because that zoning very rarely comes in anything smaller. I am feeling frustrated this morning. I will continue to pray about this I know the Lord will bring me a peice of land that will work.... I just hope He hurrys it up lol. On a different note...... I go back to my doctor today at 1:00 to see about a new medication hopefully one that will not give me hives :(   I am planning on talking to her about the radioactive therapy and the risk of cancer that come with it. My man says i should just take the therapy and kill my thyroid and if I do it will only be about 3-6 months and I could be feeling normal again. It snowed here ALL! weekend so i haven't had a chance to go get pictures of those cabins yet.. but i will. All weekend was spent inside and yesterday I spent time in my garage cleaning and deleting things so to speak. I am finally down to just one refrigerator my new one was delivered friday and the other 2 are now gone :)  That sums up my weekend fun... did anybody do anything fun?

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner,,,, lol

We have the winner of the giveaway!!! The name drawn was Julie-Wyatt.... That was exciting and I will have another giveaway after reaching 50 followers... so tell your friends :)

Friday, February 22, 2013

just a bit longer...

i am hoping to see everybodys email soon, however I think I may just put all my followers names in a hat and then notify the best I can by sending a message that way nobody has to wait :). I hope you are all having a lovely night and have a wonderful weekend... My hubby will be working tomorrow at his second job. I will be researching on solar... and blogging... I have been looking so much at homesteading with the food, land and animals and such that I really don't have any knowledge of how solar power works other than a video on youtube.... My picture tells you how obsessed I am lol. Y es thats my Christmas comforter.... haha don't judge lol  my hubby says I can't buy a new one until we move because we are downsizing like 90 % will not be coming with us... So i am stuck with the Christmas theme lol. One thing is for sure I will not miss all the massive stuff I have gained through the years. I can't wait to take pictures of these cabins this weekend so i can show you all :). Thank you again to all my new followers and my faithful peeps who have stood by me for the last 2 years... God bless you all


Would everybody please give me your email address.... I will put everybodys name in a hat and have my son pull a name out with email address and then I will contact the winner as well as announcing it here. I am super excited!!!!! Thanks to all of you who have joined :)  I will continue giveaways every month until I reach 100 followers and then BOOM the big one will happen lol....

Thursday, February 21, 2013


Oh boy it looks like we have stalled lol. We just need one more follower for the giveaway. On another note.... today my hubby and I went to look at cabins and found what we are looking for. I can't believe we are really gonna do I will try to post pictures we are going back with family to look again so our kids can decide what they like. These are shells but they have built in porches and lofts as well as windows. I love these cabins the biggest one is 385 sqf. with the loft its more. I am looking forward to getting rid of alot of stuff and personally designing my own space. They are cedar and all the wood is treated we also get a 20 year warranty you can't beat it for only $8,500. God Bless!!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Still bliss...

It is so quiet in my house right now. The snow is falling softly and I am laying in bed on my laptop. My hubby is breathing deep and slow its very peaceful. I am thinking of just saying my prayers and going to sleep but I am not really tired yet. My husband wont be going into work tomorrow because of the snow he got the call about an hour ago. Its bad out there all schools are closed tomorrow. I guess its an official snow day. Goodnight

Blizzard!! lol

So today started out really beautiful... however it sure took a fast turn. i am posting these pictures so you can see what it is like right now and it will continue through the night. News said its dropping about 1-3 inches per housr of this powdered sugar... I actually took my daughter out in it to go get a burger and frozen custard at Culvers. The police are out thick with their lights going and no sign of any plows on the road yet. it is almost zero visibility out there. I am a truck kinda girl though so we made it safely. My hubby will be heading to work by 2:30am because of snow and he has to be on Post. I noticed we now have 24 followers!!! Yippy..... one more and we will be having ourselves a giveaway!! Goodnight and God Bless!

Almost there..

It looks as though we only need 3 more people to join so we can get that giveaway started. I am so excited!!. The weather is cloudy this beautiful morning, all animals are taken care of and I am about to start some laundry... ya know it, the never ending task of a family of 6. I will be back later with my post so stay tuned... God Bless you all!!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Ok peeps... I want to have a giveaway of something very nice. When I reach 25 followers I will be giving away something delightful. Ok so I have never had one of these giveaways before but this blog is about to take a change of direction so why not? I am having a bueatiful blessed day myself, the sun is shinning and i have already fed and watered the chickens and took my dogs out... can you say productive after spending 4 days laying in bed... I am feeling better today. God Bless you all...

Monday, February 18, 2013

Days Gone By..

The days seem to fly by lately, just trying to stop and catch my breath... This year is a make it happen kind of year or a stay put year and ride the storm out. Lately we have been trying to figure out ways to make our dream come true of living a self reliant life style on a small peice of property with all other issues aside health wise. We have decided we can do a small space living in a portable building. Some people are turning sheds into homes it is doable if you don't require alot of stuff. We have our children and even though they are grown they will continue to stay close to us. We figure 5 acres can do alot for us. My family can put up a few small cabin structures on the land and build it up to a homestead. At this point we would like to be out of the city by this time next year. I am raising backyard chickens and ducks and a turkey still, we already had our first loss a few months ago when somebody got into our yard and killed one of our ducks injured another. We took our duck to the vet and he treated our male duck but said it was at the hand of a human and not a racoon or another animal because there were no teeth marks. Well one thing for sure society is going to hell fast these days. One of the many reasons for leaving the city and one of the reasons it can't come fast enough... Already thinking about what to plant this year for the garden... as much as possible for sure. This year we will run some trial and error projects to prepare for homesteading. It is a beautiful day here in the Springs though... I am awaiting spring this year winter hasn't been much this year its kinda weird. I pray you all are having a beautiful day God Bless...

Friday, February 15, 2013

I Have Been MIA

So where to start???  well alot has happened since my last blog a million years ago lol.
My health has declined I was recently told I have Graves disease and Sinus Tachycardia, I lost my job in july turns out to be a blessing because my Endocrinologist said I was close to a Thyroid storm... meaning stroke or heartattack = death. I knew I was feeling horrible but refused to go to the doctor for years. At this point the doctor put me on a medication to put my thyroid to sleep she said to give it a year and she is hoping by then I will go into remission, If I don't go into remission then I will do radioactive therapy to kill my thyroid this can take upto 2 treatments. Yesterday I had an allergic reaction to the medication after 3 weeks and I had hives that made my face,ear and head look deformed... no joke! I had a fever and had to go to the hospital where they IV'ed me with a double dose of benedrly, steroids and antihistamine. I do feel better today, I will be starting a new med. in a few days. My husband is having internal problems with alot of different test ,scans, ultrasounds but everything keeps coming back normal however he is in desperate pain around his gallbladder area. My oldest daughter lost her job before Thanksgiving so you can imagine the stress we are under. So to top it off my 17 yr. old son quit school he is a junior I think so much stress with so many different things going on has taken him to the top and he just needs a break. I am signing him up to home school I think that will be better right now under the circumstances. So this must seem like a down post... I'm sorry I just had to get on here I feel so bad not keeping up with something I committed to. I will try to post more often depending on my days right now this issuse is affecting my brain but my doctor assures me I am not crazy even though I feel I am its just this graves disease. My family is trying to do what we can to get out of the city my hubby took a second job a few months ago its just part time but it helps right now and we would love to get self reliant on a peice of small land. I hope you all are doing well.... God Bless you all....